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Zabasearch is an online people and public records search engine. The Intelius subsidiary helps interested persons perform non-FCRA compliant searches on personally identifiable information and public records that list them as the bearer.
Public records here refer to government documentation such as civil reports, criminal histories, and background information summaries. Registered users on Zabasearch have access to information about the whereabouts and public records of persons of interest using search criteria, including full name and state of residence.
Interested persons may also check Zabasearch for information about themselves or another individual within the United States. The data source comprises a vast array of government records, phone companies, and third-party affiliate sites. Per company policy, the authenticity of the public records is the responsibility of the data sources.
To use its full-on services, Zabasearch requires subscribers to provide personal information such as:
- First and last name (maiden names, if applicable)
- Marital status
- Date of birth
- Phone number
- Password
- At least one community affiliation, i.e., work or school
Below are other ways by which the company says collect personal data from users:
Users have the option of logging in using any of their social media handles to sign in. In doing so, the company's terms of service permit the site to access the user's social media handle. Subsequently, posts from Zabasearch may appear on the user's social media page. By clicking the "accept" button, the user accepts the company's terms of service and privacy policy.
The company also routinely curates feedback, testimonials, endorsements, or reviews by satisfied consumers for marketing purposes. Zabasearch may also include customer's names and geographical information in these public postings.
The website collects and analyzes traffic information for trend assessment and better service delivery. Although the information at this level is impersonal, the company may use it to track user activity. Traffic information collected includes IP addresses, browsers, and internet service providers.
Furthermore, Zabasearch uses cookies to improve and personalize the customer interface experience. Bear in mind that accepting cookies exposes the user to target ads by affiliate third-party advertising sites. Zabasearch also uses other data capture tools like web beacons and local shared objects to check how users access content on the website.
Most of the search activities on Zabasearch are free, but a few of them require paying a premium. The intending user must submit billing information such as card numbers, security codes, and expiration dates. Again, third-party payment partners will have access to this information.
Per their terms of service, zabasearch protects user accounts and profiles to the best of capacity. Using encryption technology and internet protocol restrictions, Zabasearch restricts foreign visitors from accessing the data on the website.
Zabasearch provides ways for customers to alter or have their personal information removed, should they decide to opt out of their services. The procedures for opting out or modification are all subject to the privacy policy and end-user agreements of the terms of service.
How to Opt Out of Zabasearch
Zabasearch retains all personal information of customers for as long as the account is open. Users who wish to cancel or close their accounts should contact customer support. The individual must prepare a written request stating personal identifying information provided during signup and request a termination of membership. The company generally responds by canceling the account. The site administrator also clears all data and account profiles from public view. Nevertheless, Zabasearch keeps a private data copy in compliance with legal obligations, record keeping, and dispute resolution purposes.
A quicker way is to follow the opt-out link on the privacy policy page. Follow the instructions to opt out or requests to remove a record.

Email subscriptions can be undone by clicking the unsubscribe button displayed in the email.

Removing cookies involves an adjustment to browser settings. A user may delete the cookies manually after a session or use a privacy-focused browser. The latest versions of browsers available today allow users to switch between balanced and strict tracking restrictions. Persons who prefer these latter options may adjust as necessary in the privacy and security section of the browser. However, a consequence of manually clearing cookies is that the browser loses memory of stored passwords.
If the user is not sure if financial information is shared with a third-party transaction website, it is better to block the transactions with the finance institution. Next, resubscribe for new details and cards. It renders the previous information obsolete. Otherwise, contact the financial administrator of the company by mailing the customer support.
Be sure to request the removal of data from all affiliate sites. Check up with their privacy policies and end-user agreements. They should indicate how to opt out of their records database.
Zabasearch provides procedures for parties seeking to have their public records suppressed from display:
Follow the opt-out process link to request the removal of a record. Parties must search for and locate the record for deletion. Zabasearch takes up to fifteen (15) days to complete the deletion. Subsequently, the name search will not list the record. Note that because deletion is record-specific, individuals who wish to opt-out must submit a separate request for each entry found.
What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of Zabasearch
Several difficulties may arise when trying to opt out of Zabasearch. The terms of agreement clearly state the company's limits in removing information from its database.
Generally, the removal of self-reported information is more straightforward because the company has primary custody of the data.
The deletion of public records, however, is comparatively tedious. The Zabasearch database has grown over the years, and the company does not directly curate information available to the public. Consequently, the onus falls on the user to find and submit a request for the exact data to be removed.
Periodic updates by data sources can reinsert deleted information through a change in address or phone number of the party. Additionally, a deletion with Zabasearch does remove the records from other public record sites. Uses may decide to employ an online data management process. Here, the user conducts an intensive search for his or her records using different search engines. Using the search results, follow the links to the sites that maintain the information and request deletion. Otherwise, contact the original record custodian to remove the record. Removal often requires a legal procedure, but it is permanent when effected at this level.