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Veripages is an online public records liaison agent that provides access to available information on any individual or business within the United States. Using search terms such as full name and location will return closely related matches on residential addresses, phone numbers, social media handles, and available government records on the person of interest.
Users of the service are responsible for identifying the record of interest from the list of search results, but must bear in mind that Veripages does not provide FCRA-compliant data. It is an information reporting company, not a consumer reporting company. As such, information gathered from the site is not considered reliable to make decisions on legal or official activities like tenant screening and creditworthiness.
There are two kinds of information that users of Veripages can expect to find. The first is publicly available records gathered from official repositories, e.g., civil judgments, criminal verdicts, court documents, phone numbers, and summary reports of background checks. State and federal laws on publicly available records guarantee public access to these records unless specified otherwise and without consent from the record holder.
Veripages also sources information on its website from data brokers and the world wide web. The authenticity of this kind of information is subject to the data source, which underpins Veripage's policy as not being responsible for managing the authenticity of information on the database.
Meanwhile, Veripages collect certain information from visitors and registered users who access information on the website. These include:
- Personal identifying information: a first-time user must submit personal, contact, financial, and demographic details. These are personally identifiable, and there is no way to avoid submitting these details if an individual wants complete access to Veripages' services.
- Site traffic data: Unlike information provided during registration, site traffic data collected from users and visitors are not personally identifiable. These include domain server information, IP addresses, model of devices accessing the site, and web browsers.
- Information collected from active users: Veripages uses cookies to collect data on how active users interact with the database. Other tools like web beacons give the company insight into a user's browsing activities while using the database, including browser environment, display settings, web page information, and time log of internet activity.
According to its privacy policy, Veripages claims to collect this information to provide services and share the information with third parties that facilitate a better user experience. For example, the company shares financial data with transaction brokers. Veripages also monetizes the data by sharing them with third-party advertisers. In many cases, these third parties analyze traffic data to develop relevant ads based on the research activities of the user.
Although the information shared with third parties does not include any personally identifiable data, Veripages lets concerned users remove their personal information or prevent sharing with other third-party sites.
How to Opt Out of Veripages
According to the company policy, users can decide if they want their self-reported information removed or restricted from sharing. To stop personal data from being shared with third parties, send an email to The email content should include the subscriber's full name, phone numbers, addresses, and personal profile URL. Users should expect an alert email from the site administrator as soon as the deletion is complete.

Meanwhile, newsletters often include an "unsubscribe" button at the bottom of the page. Click on the option to unsubscribe from future email alerts. Complete removal is not possible for financial information, mainly because a third party handles payments for the company. A user concerned about a breach may contact his/her primary financial institution to suspend account activities temporarily.

Subscribers and non-subscribers whose information appears in search results may contact Veripages for a delisting. However, a deletion on the company site does not translate to removing the record from the original record custodian, other public websites, and databases. maintains that the responsibility of managing public information rests with data sources, i.e., official repositories and third-party databases. Concerned persons who wish to delete their records must contact the primary custodian agency for a record sealing or expungement. Note that presenting such a request and the custodian's concession is per mainline statutory processes.

What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of Veripages
Opt-out processes in Veripages are straightforward if there are no administrative delays. Like most other opt-out requests, users are encouraged to give an allowance of one week. Users should be aware that the deletion of the record from the site only renders it inaccessible to other users or third-party data collectors. It does not remove the information from the company's proprietary database for legal and recording purposes.
Another possible difficulty is if there are affiliate sites to Veripages unknown to the user. A key feature of affiliate sites is that they share information across platforms. Be sure to check up these facts with the company before requesting an opt-out. Some of these affiliate sites may have different terms and conditions regarding record deletion.
Users having difficulty with internet operations may employ the services of third-party opt-out service providers. These platforms provide a guide as well as offer to assist in the opt-out process. A rebound consequence is that they get access to the same self-reported information the consumer is trying to eliminate from the internet.