How to Opt Out from United States Phonebook in 2021

Please kindly note that DeleteRecords does not own or operate the third party brand listed on this page. The information provided on this page is provided for reference purposes only.

UnitedStatePhonebook is a free service that allows the public to conduct a public record search. Users of the service can conduct a search using the first name, surname, city, state, or reverse number. The result will bring out the desired result relating to genealogy & family records, records on people, criminal history records, historical phone book records, secret death records, death index, and date of birth lists. The public records maintained by UnitedStatePhonebook cannot be used for any Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) decision regarding employment, insurance, credit reporting. This is because it is non-FCRA compliant.

UnitedStatePhonebook does not collect any information from its users who visit their website. The only information collected is done during the removal of record requests and it is collected to enable the website to work on the user's request. The website does however use cookies which are used to only recognize the user's browse to capture and remember certain information. They are also used to better the user's website experience because the cookies help the website understand the preference of the user

The website also does not sell, trade or transfer any personally identifiable information to third parties. Also, third parties are not allowed to do behavioral tracking.

An individual can have their data or records removed from UnitedStatePhonebook on request. This includes all information represented on the website gotten from both public databases and private databases.

How to Opt-Out of UnitedStatesPhonebook

UnitedStatesPhonebook allows their user to remove their data at any time for any reason whatsoever. The step to remove this record is pretty straightforward, and it includes:

  1. Visiting the UnitedStatesPhonebook website
  2. Scroll the website to the foot of the page and click on "contact us".
  3. The user has to enter the phone number and 5-digit zip code the way it listed on the website
  4. Then click on "Request Removal".

Once the request has been submitted, it will be reviewed and all listings matching the desired phone number or zip code will be removed within 48 business hours. If the user experiences any difficulty when submitting a request for removal or after 48 hours, the record is still on the website, they can contact them via email. It is important to note that the removal request cannot be sent via email.

What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of UnitedStatesPhonebook

To submit a record removal request on the website is uncomplicated and the service is not charged. The information required to complete this request is seamless because the information needed is just the phone number and the zip code. It will take them about 48 hours to process the request.

In a situation whereby there is any difficulty experienced, the user can send a complaint via email to UnitedStatesPhonebook.