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Florida Residents Directory is a free online service that grants interested persons access to Florida public records. These records, not to be used for FCRA purposes, include voting profiles, date of births, full names, telephone numbers, and other personal information of individuals living in the state.
Interested persons can find a Florida resident's record by entering a first name, last name, city, and state into the site's search engine. The website presently stores and disseminates the public details of 13,679,287 residents. It also holds 162,360,007 historical records.
Florida Residents Directory is not a consumer reporting agency; hence, it is not under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Therefore, all individuals who use the service should avoid using the information obtained from the site for any of the purposes laid out by the FCRA. For instance, tenant and job screening.
The personal details provided by the service are collected from Florida public voter registration records. The records maintained by the website are unmodified. Therefore, if the information of an individual is not accurate, then the information of such a person is also inaccurate in the official database of the state department. Interested persons are advised to contact the Florida Department of State (DOS) to rectify such errors. Other persons interested in obtaining a complete copy of any document can request it from the state's Division of Elections.
Florida Residents Directory updates its database once a month to accommodate new records released by the Department of State. Note that the website is not affiliated with any government agency in Florida.
Individuals who do not want their information exposed on the Florida Residents Directory site can remove their listings by following an opt-out process. Alternatively, such persons may remove multiple records from the website through specific third-party content removal sites.
How to Opt-Out of Florida Residents Directory
To remove a particular record or opt-out of Florida Residents Directory, follow the steps outlined below:
Once found, open it by clicking "View Details." Then, copy its URL.

Afterward, find and click the "opt-out" link at the bottom of the website.

On the next page, paste the URL into the box and click "Submit."

On the following page, provide your name, email address, and reason for removing the record. After that, check the CAPTCHA box and click "Submit."

After the opt-out process is completed, Florida Residents Directory should remove the appropriate record from its database within 48 hours. Individuals who wish to remove more than one record will have to wait for 24-hour intervals after each opt-out request. If the same individual makes multiple requests before the 24-hour window expires, such requests will be denied.
What Difficulties Exist when Opting Out of Florida Residents Directory
There are certain difficulties that individuals who want to opt-out of Florida Residents Directory may experience. Sometimes, the opt-out link on the website may result in an error page. Other times, the website may be under maintenance, and interested parties cannot opt-out of the service. Still, as Florida Residents Directory only processes online opt-out requests, requesters do not have access to alternate opt-out methods, such as mail, fax, or phone.
Another challenge is that, in some cases, the service may take more than 48 hours to remove records. Besides this, a record that has been removed may reappear on Florida Residents Directory due to its constant system updates. Furthermore, persons who intend to remove more than one record from the site must wait 24 hours per request.